2018-06-29 TWILPosted on: June 29, 2018
Things I learned this week, TL;DR: Slack channel notifications, trigram for heaven, Bake Off: The Professionals, Peanuts
Things I learned this week, TL;DR: Slack channel notifications, trigram for heaven, Bake Off: The Professionals, Peanuts
Things I learned this week, TL;DR: Object.entries and Object.values, Sneezing
Things I learned this week, TL;DR: optional chaining in JS, insut sword fighting (again), flamingos
Things I learned this week, TL;DR: dynamic JS object literal keys, selecting link text, working from home, and insult sword fighting
TL;DR: VS code snippets, chrome search engine shortcuts, refined github extension, money for nothing & sting, inverted sugar